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To make the world just and happy
Our Story
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Awards & Recognitions
Janpahal is a not-for-profit society registered under the Society Act 1860 of XXI in the year 2005. Sri Dharmendra Kumar is the founding Secretary. He is a master in Sociology. He graduated from St. Stephens College, University of Delhi. At present, he is also a national resource person for the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI. He is also a master trainer who conducts Training of Trainers (TOT) for FSSAI, GOI. He has been in the development sector for more than two decades directing various programmes and projects linked to the distribution services including street vendors in collaboration with national and international development support organizations. He has been awarded by national and district authorities for his contributions. A certificate of merit was awarded to him by FSSAI in recognition of contribution and continued work as a leader in strengthening of Food Safety Eco-System as a National Resource Person. He continues to provide leadership to Janpahal team working across India including Delhi NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh etc. Janpahal work is acknowledged at multiple levels and it has been nominated by authorities in various committees including Town Vending Committees, PMSVANidhi committee and E- Shram committee. Janpahal is also a Pan India training partner of Food Safety Training and Certification (FOSTAC), a training arm of FSSAI.
Contributed to the enactment of the Street Vendors (Protection & Regulation of street vending) Act 2014. Reached out to the judicial system through Janpahal facilitated Hawkers Joint Action Committee and succeeded in making the Govt bring a bill to the parliament to amend the Street Vendors (Protection & Regulation of street vending) Act 2014. In the year 2022, the parliament passed the bill in order to ensure natural justice in the grievance redressal section of the Act. In the year 2018, led to redrafting and renotification of the Street Vendors (Protection & Regulation of street vending) Rule of Delhi ,2017. In the year 2018, Janpahal facilitated Janodaya Ekta Samiti affiliated with Hawkers Joint Action Committee reached out to the court for ensuring the preservation of TVC rights as stipulated in the Street Vendors Act,2014 for framing the street vendors scheme. Contributed to the formation of TVCs in Delhi through election of the representatives from among the street vendors. In the year 2021, contributed to the initiation of the survey processes for registering the street vendors in Delhi. Contributed to the successful implementation of the PMSVANidhi. Led in the registration drive for E-Shram. Successfully trained 3566 street food vendors in 780 training sessions under FOSTAC. 3742 urban migrant workers documented and assisted for receiving entitlements under various national and state level flagship schemes and welfare schemes. 237 leaders developed from among urban migrant workers. 87 collectives formed and nurtured for sustainable development interventions within and across the communities/habitations. Addressed 1027 cases of domestic violence. India Labour line Delhi NCR registered 502 cases of workers not receiving payment from employed. Out of this almost 200 cases have been resolved/partially resolved/closed. Four workers kitchens were run in the industrial areas of Delhi NCR for consecutive three months during the second lockdown in which cooked food were distributed twice in a day. Altogether, 360000 plus meals were distributed among the stranded migrant industrial workers of Delhi NCR.
As per the Janpahal filing to the ESIC and PF for the month of August,2023, there are 80 staff enrolled under ESIC and 15 under the PF. Apart from this, there are 6 consultants and 21 fellows. We do have five part time staff at this stage and have engaged 3 external consultants who assist in accounts, ESIC and PF filing and GST.
Over the years , Janpahal has built a pool of volunteers. Janpahal is a member of Neev Forces, a network of civil society organisations working for early child care, pre school learning, crèche facilities, and nutrition security through Anganwadies etc. Similarly, Janpahal is also a member of Nine is Mine Campaign , an all India network for securing 6 per cent of GDP for education and 3 percent of GDP for health. Bhoomika is another network of international, national and local organisations working to promote good food .Janpahal as an active member of Bhoomika network endeavours to link street vendors with natural /organic farmers and tries to make street food buyers responsible. All such activities are completely run and funded by our pool of volunteers. Janpahal over the decades has facilitated many collectives, campaigns, networks like Hawkers Joint Action Committee, Shram Sena, Gig Workers Association (GigWA), Amazon India Workers Association (AIWA), Association of Health Care workers and Technicians (ACT), Forum on FTAs, National Campaign for Retail Democracy. All these are largely led and managed by the volunteers. During the pandemic generated lockdown Janpahal received immense support in cash and kind from all corners including APPI, Development Alternatives, Nacho, Hindustan Uni Liver, Frooti, Camel Milk and many more. The entire operation of collection of relief items, procurement, packaging and distribution could be possible through the contribution of time by the pool of volunteers associated with Janpahal nurtured networks and those associated with the networks in which Janpahal is an active member.
Our Story
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Awards & Recognitions
Janpahal's vision is to have a world without injustice with love and peace.
Our Story
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Awards & Recognitions
Our current key engagements are urban centric with focus on poor and low-income migrant workers and their families. Informal workers especially street vendors and workers of new sectors like platform economy are the key target communities.. Geographically, Janpahal along with its nurtured organisations/ networks is working in more than 30 cities of the 13 states. In these geographical areas, we are active in the thematic areas of unorganised sector labour and urban poor focusing on programming for streets vendors, gig workers and migrant workers, their families, their livelihoods and their habitats. As part of programming, we are engaged in collective formation from among the target groups, leadership training, cadre development, proactive assistance in uptake of entitlements, training in food safety and hygiene and advocacy for improving the quality of life and up-gradation in access to civic amenities within and across the habitations especially in the informal settlements of the urban areas. Climate resilience, gender equity and social inclusion are the cross cutting principles that are adhered in programming for the target groups the informal sector labour at large.
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Awards & Recognitions
In pursuance of our vision, Janpahal is focussed on identified target groups of street vendors, platform-based gig workers from among the informal sector workers, women and children and homeless. Janpahal’s TOC has three key domains of change:
1) Building power of the target groups suffering from the diverse forms of entitlement and social security deficits
2) Delivering the entitlements through leadership development within the target groups.
3) Interventions in policy through evidence-based research and advocacy.
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Awards & Recognitions
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